
FibreLoc is an advanced dust suppression product scientifically engineered to withstand the harshest conditions where polymer solutions aren’t suitable. The interlocking organic wood fibres and sustainable binders form a flexible blanket that can resist high salinity levels such as those found on tailing storage facilities.

Designed for Uneven Terrains and Dynamic Substrates

Perfect for uneven terrains that are prone to movement, FibreLoc is designed to re-establish itself if damaged by shifting substrates. The wood fibres provide strength and act as a catchment zone to trap rolling dust caused by strong winds. In the right conditions, seed and fertiliser can be added to establish ideal conditions for plant growth, providing sustainable dust suppression through vegetation.

Once applied, FibreLoc provides functional longevity of up to 24 months, dependent on environmental conditions.

Key benefits

Designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and high salinity levels
Works for All Terrains
Engineered to be effective even in the most uneven terrains and shifting substrates.
Effective for Revegetation
Seed can be added to achieve revegetation and dust suppression goals at the same time.
Guaranteed Results
FibreLoc is an environmentally-friendly product that is extensively tested and scientifically proven effective for dust suppression.

Application methods

Hose Application
Hoses supported by pumps allow us to reach steep and inaccessible slopes, as well as tight spaces over 250 metres away. Extended hose reels can also be used to reach areas which will otherwise be missed by other application methods.
Cannon Application
Truck-mounted cannons can apply SuppressX from a distance of over 100 metres. Dual cannons can also be used for simultaneous application of the solution from both sides of the spray zone.
Hose Application
Hoses supported by pumps allow us to reach steep and inaccessible slopes, as well as tight spaces over 250 metres away. Extended hose reels can also be used to reach areas which will otherwise be missed by other application methods.
Cannon Application
Truck-mounted cannons can apply SuppressX from a distance of over 100 metres. Dual cannons can also be used for simultaneous application of the solution from both sides of the spray zone.

How it works

Watch our certified technicians in action as they apply FibreLoc, and learn the properties that make it the most durable dust suppression solution on the market today!

Get in touch

For further information on how Erizon can assist you with your next Revegetation, Dust Suppression or Erosion Control project please call our team directly or complete the form below.


Please note we do not service Residential Projects.