“Taking steps today for a brighter future tomorrow.”

Traditionally, company sustainability policies and carbon management have not always translated effectively into workplace actions based on internal political, economic, social and organisational issues. This inability to set aside discrepancies and implement new practices has played a part in the ‘20% increase of CO2 in the past five years’, (WMO,2019) which has contributed to the global 2019 climate change spike.

Based on this evidence, pressures have been placed on companies to address this problem correctly by conforming workplace cultures with low impact practices.

The following information will look at how you can adapt and respond to global climate change by complementing a sustainability policy that works for your company as a whole.

So how do you set aside everyone’s differences and put the perspective of global change at the forefront of all business activities?

Moving towards a company culture that embraces change can be a lengthy process, particularly when employees remain content in their inhouse practices. When policies are alteration should consider the impact of stakeholder interests, culture and the environment. There will be a period of transition where management are encouraged to raise awareness and educate the business community by enforcing new practices. New workplace mentalities require management to step up and lead by example; this means that corporate agendas support sustainability and lower environmental impact objectives. Eco-efficiency, eco-innovation, and corporate social responsibility practices will define much of the desired industrial sustainability plan.

“The improvement of company practices such as energy-saving recourse management can increase corporate benefits such as competitive advantages and economic capital.”

Our Commitment

Erizon® is committed to a sustainability culture that fosters company operations designed to reduce environmental and social impact. Adopting this strategy has hinged firmly on employee mentalities and the ability to work together to change the way we operate and consume energy resources. Our attitude strengthens our approach to conduct business the right way and protect our values by working toward solutions that benefit the global environment. The journey toward transparency and accountability is a continuous process; where our leadership team ensure that all internal processes uphold our sustainability policy.

Today we invite you to make the change to a workplace culture that underpins processes with sustainability. The more people that change their business approach, the grater change we have to correct climate change before its too late. The following Sustainability Policy highlights our internal processes which can be adjusted to align with your internal practices.

Sustainability Policy

Our Vision

We operate our business in a socially responsible and ethical manner to protect the environment and the communities in which we work. We endeavour to achieve excellence, innovation and performance by adopting sustainable practices to decrease our environmental footprint. The foundation of our company’s vision supports our sustainability goals by guiding our actions.

Our Principles

In implementing sustainability across our workplace activity, members of Erizon® are committed to maintaining the following seven principles:

  1. Global Viewpoint: Erizon’s® sustainability movements reflects its awareness to influence and reach beyond the confines of its own company and present generation.
  2. Shared responsibility: people and the environment are our most valuable resources. Therefore all employees are required to share the company’s accountability to sustainable practices throughout their role and performance in the workplace.
  3. Leadership:­ it is our responsibility to maintain sustainable leadership practices, where management lead by example and support sustainability practices on all accounts.
  4. Integration: Erizon’s® decision-making procedures consider the long-term environmental, social and economic impact, which measure employee experience, roles and culture.
  5. Open participation: detailed and transparent involvement is encouraged across all levels of the company, designed to provide insight into improved sustainable approaches across the board.
  6. Knowledge: we are committed to maintaining an up-to-date understanding of all sustainability principles and practices.
  7. Innovation: Erizon® is committed to looking toward improved sustainable practices to ensure that we are eliminating the risk of irreversible environmental damage.

Environmental Management

Throughout the expansion of Erizon®, we have developed and implemented environmental management systems across all sites to ensure we are eliminating our environmental impact.
These systems underpin key considerations include energy usage, greenhouse gas emissions, ozone-depleting substances, office waste, building waste and resource recovery.

Our Commitment & Scope

At Erizon®, we adopt practices that use sustainable resources and apply systematic environmental management approaches that are consistent with the international standard ISO 14001.

Technological and organisational company structures are the two primary foundations implemented to create this desired workplace change.


  • Maximise material and energy efficiency
    • Reduce carbon profile
    • Lower energy consumption
      + Install energy-efficient lighting and devices throughout offices and vehicles
      + Connect internal reporting devices to measure power consumption. Goals can be set and tracked to improve quarterly power usage
      +Enforce ‘pull the plug’ on devices that aren’t in use
  • Maximise on product functionality to reduce the total number of products required
  • Create value from waste
    • Reuse, recycle, re-manufacturer
    • Use excess capacity
    • Shared assets (shared ownership and collaborative consumption)
    • Extended producer responsibilities
    • Install solar panels to power company facilities with 100% renewable energy
  • Suitable with renewable and natural processes
    • Move from non-renewable to renewable energy sources
    • Solar and wind-based energy innovations
    • Zero-emission initiative
    • Blue economy: an emerging concept depicting sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs, and ocean ecosystem health
    • Biomimicry: an attempt to innovation that seeks sustainable solutions to human challenges by emulating nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies


  • Repurpose for society /environment
    • Home-based, flexible working
    • Choose sustainable suppliers
    • Ethical trade – fair trade
    • Add plants to the workplace
  • Sustainable processes and systems
    • Collaborative approaches
    • Used recycled paper / go completely paperless
    • Adopt non-toxic cleaner and degreasers
    • Encourage sufficiency
    • Internal education – communicating awareness
    • Choose sustainable suppliers
    • Product longevity
    • Responsible product distribution and promotion


All workplace project activities align with comprehensive management underpinned by feasible sustainability principles and planning. It is paramount that all employees convey the following principles in all project methodologies: philosophy, mission, vision, values, goals, and objectives. This framework ensures that all actions consider sustainable practices and help eliminate our environmental impact.


Quarterly meetings support our longstanding commitment to reporting on our sustainability practices. This action provides accountability and presents an opportunity for the leadership team to discuss our overall environmental impact and acknowledge areas that require immediate attention.

Your Commitment

Our sustainability policy sits within our corporate structure; therefore not every section will fit within your company framework. It is, however, a basis to improve your workplace sustainability culture. There will be a period of internal adjustment, requiring management to reinforce inhouse behavioural changes. However, in time, the rewards from these efforts will be evident in economic and environmental reports.

The planet is currently under immense threat – let’s work together to create an aspiring workplace mentality that underpins a sustainable environment and carbon footprint.


World Meteorological Organisation 2019, World Meteorological Organisation, accessed 11 December 2019, https://public.wmo.int/en/media/press-release/global-climate-2015-2019-climate-change-accelerates

If you have any further questions regarding our sustainability policy, or the environmental services we offer, please contact the team today.