Dust is an often-overlooked hazard on mining and construction sites, but its impact can be detrimental to worker health, equipment, and the local environment. Understanding the risk of uncontrolled dust will help when it comes time to decide what dust suppression products and/or systems are best for your project.

Worker health is always an essential consideration in any project, and dust should not be overlooked here. Airborne dust particles are a respiratory risk, and on mining or construction sites, this risk is compounded by contaminated dust. Dust on mining sites can often contain hazards such as coal and heavy metals. Dust on construction sites often includes silica and wood dust, silica dust being a particularly concerning health risk.

Airborne dust can also present a hazard to equipment, which should be considered when considering dust prevention. Dust can clog hoses, contaminate fuel and water, or build up in harmful locations within the equipment; these things can damage equipment leading to costly repairs and unnecessary downtime while waiting for repairs. Any dust can lead to maintenance issues for equipment, whether contaminated or not.

The local environment can be impacted by dust from mines or construction sites, which is another reason dust suppression is an important aspect to consider during any project’s planning phase. Contaminated dust in waterways can severely impact the local ecosystem, potentially killing wildlife, fish, plants, and anything else that relies on that water for its survival. With the fragility of some local ecosystems, it is important to ensure the impact any project has on it is minimised.

With this in mind, it is time to look at the methods that can be used to control and suppress dust on your next project. These should be considered during the planning phase, so they’re ready to implement from the moment your project needs them. Erizon has several products designed for dust suppression. Your project requirements will determine which is best.


First, we will look at the most traditional means of dust suppression, water. Water can be sprayed over target areas to affect a temporary solution to dust problems. Wet dust results in much fewer airborne particles, containing many of the problems created by dust. Unfortunately, water is not a long-term solution. It often requires spraying up to three times a day and is only an option where a surplus of water is available for use. If over-spraying occurs, it wastes water and can potentially become an erosion risk. For these reasons using water for dust suppression has become less common and is rarely used as a long-term solution.


RoadBond is Erizon’s specialised dust suppression product for trafficked areas. Studies show that the largest source of dust in mining comes from haul trucks traveling along dirt roads, up to 40% of all dust particles can be caused by trucks. This means having a dust suppression solution in place for trafficked areas should be a high priority and RoadBond is an effective solution. When applied, RoadBond immediately binds the surface into a stable layer that provides a strong surface. The use of RoadBond will reduce tyre wear on trucks due to the better travelling surface. For dust suppression in high trafficked areas, you can’t look past RoadBond.


Tailings, stockpiles, and ash dams are all often a source of dust problems and can be a challenge to combat effectively. SuppressX is an environmentally friendly, highly effective solution that is more cost-effective for longer-term requirements. SuppressX creates an interconnected flexible crust that penetrates the substrate to form a stable layer that is not only great dust suppression but is also resistant to wind and rain erosion. A single application is all that’s needed to achieve immediate dust suppression.


Hydrobond is often used in combination with Hydroseed or Hydromulch, but by itself, it is also an effective dust suppression product. Application rates can be customised to hit the ideal penetration depth required for your project. This solution alone can help encourage revegetation due to its unique matrix structure, which allows water and air to continue passing through. When combined with hydromulching or hydroseeding, Hydrobond becomes an incredibly effective option for revegetation.


Specially developed for challenging areas that are exposed to the damaging effects of rapidly changing weather. FibreLoc contains interlocking organic wood fibres to form a flexible and stable blanket, suitable for uneven and dynamic substrates such as Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs).

FibreLoc can be applied with seed as the wood fibre growth medium provides ideal conditions for vegetation growth. The wood fibre’s asperous surface also acts as a catchment zone, trapping rolling dust caused by strong winds.

The engineered construct of FibreLoc enables it to re-establish itself if damaged from shifting surfaces. Once in contact with the substrate, FibreLoc provides functional longevity of up to 24 months, depending on environmental conditions.

Each of these products are continuously tested and improved to provide the best possible protection. It’s always worth consulting with experts on any project, and Erizon has experts on hand to discuss any dust suppression needs and challenges your project may have.