Soil Stabilisation South Australia

South Australia is the driest state of Australia, covering some of the most arid parts in the entire country. The hot weather causes much of the soil instability in this region. As a result, the state becomes susceptible to erosion and environmental problems like landslides and dust storms. 

Knowing these challenges, Erizon offers scientifically based soil stabilisation solutions in South Australia. We have a team of soil scientists and engineers committed to giving tailor-made solutions, depending on soil properties and conditions.

Our goal is to provide rehabilitation programs to make South Australia a safer place to live.

Meeting The Challenges Of Soil Stabilisation

South Australia’s top soils are naturally shallow and of low fertility. Most lands are deficient in nutrients essential for plant growth. Usually, the soils have hard-setting surfaces. They affix to a hard, structureless mass when dried. Sometimes, they can become impossible to cultivate.

This soil condition is mainly because of the climate that the state experiences for most of the year.

Most of the land has arid to semi-arid environments. Some regions could reach temperatures of up to 50 °C. Only one-fifth of South Australia experiences an annual rain of more than 250 mm rain gauge.

Among the consequences of these poor soil conditions are wind erosion, vegetative degradation, and high soil salinity.

The good news is that the Department of Environment and Water of South Australia has been implementing the South Australia Strategic Plan. They created this plan to protect the state’s soil. As of 2014, 20% more agricultural lands have been preserved and protected against erosion.

Although these solutions have been beneficial, the state still needs help from soil experts and engineers in rehabilitating vast pieces of land. They also need help in using science-based methods to give them long-term solutions for South Australia’s soil issues.

Here is where Erizon comes to help. 

The Best Solutions For Soil Stabilisation In South Australia

With over 25 years of experience in land rehabilitation, Erizon has been recognised as the industry leader in soil stabilisation.

Our proven methods give the best soil stabilisation solutions in South Australia. 

Equipped with extensive research, our team of experienced engineers has developed and formulated the most efficient soil stabilisation agents. These binders are not only cost-effective and non-toxic; they’re long-lasting at the same time. 

At Erizon, we increase the shear strength of the soil and improve its durability through our highly effective products. We make the land more resistant to tensile stress to avoid shrinkage and flexing. Our patented application bonds the soil particles both chemically and physically to improve compressive strength and water impermeability. 

Our products are also ideal for a wide range of applications. We serve public road pavements, rural and service roads, hardstands, and lay-down areas.

Erizon also uses specialised drones to survey the area and conduct thermal mapping. Through these technologies, we monitor the temperature and moisture conditions of the ground surface.

From the gathered data, our team of specialists then determines the best soil stabilisation solutions and the right approaches to product application.


Why Choose Erizon?

Erizon believes in giving quality services to our clients. Thus, for many years now, we have delivered products that meet the goals and needs of any project.

We innovate and use methods that have been proven scientifically. We use innovative technologies that are tailor-made for South Australia’s climate to give the most efficient soil stabilisation solution. 

At Erizon, we don’t only provide solutions; we value partnership. 

As such, we make sure our clients receive the utmost priority. Our services begin with a consultation to identify the client’s concerns. Then, we employ our most advanced equipment to survey the field and choose the best applications for the land. Lastly, our post-project monitoring assures our clients that our goals are met and achieved. 

Driven by the motivation to provide a safer place for South Australia’s residents, we give our best to every project. We invite you to partner with us today. 

Your First Choice In Soil Stabilisation
  • A cost-effective and non-toxic option to keep soils stable for the long term
  • Increases shear strength and improves soil durability in response to environmental stress
  • The best choice for a wide range of applications, from roads to lay-down areas

Get in touch

For further information on how Erizon can assist you with your next Revegetation, Dust Suppression or Erosion Control project please call our team directly or complete the form below.


Please note we do not service Residential Projects.