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Open-pit mining, also known as surface mining, is a technique utilised to extract minerals and ores found close to the earth’s surface. Unlike underground mining, this method involves the removal of large quantities of soil and rock to access the valuable resources underneath. The following sections will explore the scientific principles

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Where erosion control, long-term dust suppression, soil stabilisation and comprehensive revegetation of large areas of hard-to-access depleted and damaged land is the goal, we look to Hydromulching BFM. With its lasting performance, higher water retention and ability to enhance germination for faster vegetation growth, hydromulching is a sustainable and cost-effective solution
What happens when rain falls? Rainwater may get soaked into the soil, evaporate, or it may land on surfaces it can’t penetrate and travel down the streets into a drainage or stream. When the latter occurs, it’s called stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff is produced when rain flows over land or impermeable surfaces
Australian companies operating in the mining, civil & infrastructure, energy, defence, and rail industries are working with environmental solutions providers to control dust risk on-site. Drilling, excavating, blasting, loading, and stockpiling can lead to dust liftoff, which can get transported elsewhere. To mitigate this risk, it’s important to ensure that the
8 factors to consider when choosing the best soil amendments for your rehabilitation project There are a huge range of environmental and human factors that can make or break the success of a post-mining rehabilitation project. Soil amendments can mitigate both. Whether it’s the selection of vegetative species, the timing of the
After 25+ years working with mine sites across Australia, Erizon have witnessed “the good, the bad, and the ugly” regarding mine site rehabilitation and revegetation. Success may be difficult to achieve if the plan is poorly developed or implemented, and remediation measures are often costly. Here are five key factors that
What makes soil “good” or “bad”? The definition of good soil depends on different factors and the intended land use. For instance, farmers want fertile soil that is easy to till and has good water retention. Meanwhile, for engineers, good soil drains well and compacts easily. While there’s no universal definition of

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Please note we do not service Residential Projects.