Soil Stabilisation Queensland

Erizon specialises in enhancing the erosion-mitigation capability of the soil, providing effective solutions for various industries. With our expertise and innovative approaches, we deliver outstanding results that meet the unique needs of each project. 

Our soil stabilisation services in Queensland use advanced technologies and a variety of methods, such as chemical binding agents, to strengthen the surface structure of the soil. We also offer a wide range of testing services that help identify possible problems and create tailored solutions for each project.

The Science Behind Soil Stabilisation

At Erizon, we understand the science behind soil stabilisation and its importance in combating erosion. Soil stabilisation involves the process of modifying soil properties to enhance its stability and prevent erosion. 

Soil testing is a crucial part of the investigation process when examining the physical, chemical, and biological instabilities of soil. Factors such as pH level, microbial activity, fertility, and soil nutrients are carefully evaluated to attain a thorough understanding of soil health. 

Following a meticulous analysis of these factors, tailored amendments can be suggested to correct any imbalances and improve the soil’s ability to enable growth.

Common Industries That Benefit From Soil Stabilisation

Soil Stabilisation can treat a wide range of subgrade materials on roadways, infrastructure developments, construction projects, and mine sites. However, as every project site is unique, it is critical to extract as much information from the site as possible to establish an effective soil stabilisation strategy. This process revolves around comprehensive soil testing, site analysis, and 3D multi-spectral and thermal drone mapping.

Here are some key industries that greatly benefit from our soil stabilisation solutions:

Power and Energy Sectors

From power generation facilities to renewable energy projects, the power and energy sectors often face challenges related to soil erosion. Our soil stabilisation solutions provide effective erosion control, allowing these industries to maintain stable foundations, secure installations, and ensure the safety and longevity of their infrastructure.

Civil and Rails

Infrastructure projects, such as roads, highways, bridges, and railways, rely on stable soil conditions. Soil stabilisation techniques offered by Erizon help strengthen the ground, minimising the risks of erosion-induced damage and settlement. With our solutions, civil and rail projects can be completed efficiently, ensuring durability and long-term functionality.

Defence and Government

Defence and government installations require robust and secure foundations to support critical operations. Soil stabilisation plays a crucial role in ensuring the stability and integrity of these facilities. By implementing our erosion control measures, we provide reliable solutions that safeguard defence installations, government buildings, and other essential infrastructure.

Mining and Construction

The mining and construction industries often face erosion challenges due to excavation activities and site development. Our soil stabilisation solutions enable efficient erosion control, preventing the loss of valuable topsoil, reducing environmental impact, and enhancing the overall stability of mining and construction sites.

The Best Soil Stabilisation Solutions in Queensland

Erizon offers the most effective soil stabilisation solutions in Queensland, tailored to address erosion concerns across various industries. Our innovative products and techniques deliver outstanding results, ensuring long-lasting stability and sustainable land management. Here are some of our exceptional soil stabilisation solutions:


This product is composed of active components such as thermally-refined organic fibres, high carbon, organic soil conditioners, seaweed extracts, mineral blends including basalt, and microbial inoculants. The ingredients function in symbiosis to enhance the growing conditions of the rhizosphere.


GoSeed presents a superior solution for vegetating significant areas with slopes of up to 5h:1v. Our unique blend contains microbes chosen by top soil scientists to optimise growing conditions. Proprietary binders ensure superior water retention and erosion control during the germination process.


HydroBond is a cost-effective dust suppression solution that efficiently locks in dust particles, while simultaneously allowing for air and water penetration. Its efficacy is not limited by soil type or sand type, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of industries.

Our Successful Soil Stabilisation Projects

One of the most successful soil stabilisation projects that we had was for WBHO in New South Wales.

Erizon’s environmental experts collaborated with WBHO last May to inspect the site and carry out a drone survey to understand the land’s topography and estimate the amount of product needed to treat the area.

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After conducting a thorough site assessment and soil analysis, Erizon provided WBHO with a solution aligned with their objectives for stabilising and revegetating roadside cuttings and field batters, ensuring compliance with Road and Maritime Service (RMS) standards. The proposed solution involved using agricultural additives to promote soil stabilisation and plant growth:

EnviroSoil – a hydraulic biotic soil enhancer
A blend of native seeds
AgCalcium Boost
Customised fertilizer – Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP)
EnviroLoc – Hydromulching Bonded Fibre Matrix (BFM)

Post approval from WBHO, feedback suggested that the client was satisfied with the project’s coverage, the application process, and overall engagement with the team. Within a month post-application, there were already signs of agricultural growth, indicating the success of the revegetation project to date.

Get Started With Erizon

When it comes to soil stabilisation in Queensland, Erizon is your trusted partner. With years of experience, demonstrated performance, and a team of experts, we provide reliable solutions tailored to your unique requirements. 

Our commitment to excellence ensures that your soil stabilisation project is in capable hands. Contact us today to discuss your project needs.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Why Erizon Is The Best Choice For Soil Stabilisation
  • Restores and improves soil quality through scientifically proven strategies that are customisable for every terrain
  • Provides erosion control and optimises soils for revegetation to control for environmental conditions
  • Stabilises surfaces with a proprietary blend of minerals, fibres, and specialty binders that protect soils

Get in touch

For further information on how Erizon can assist you with your next Revegetation, Dust Suppression or Erosion Control project please call our team directly or complete the form below.


Please note we do not service Residential Projects.