Erosion Control Victoria

Being a coastal state, Victoria has always been susceptible to soil erosion. However, the region has witnessed an increase in frequency and intensity of erosion events, thanks to climate change and the extreme weather events it brings.

Without a proper erosion control procedure, Victoria’s residents will be at risk of suffering from landslides and property loss.

Erizon offers our erosion control products and services to help Victoria solve its severe erosion issues. Our team of scientists and engineers provides a fast-acting, eco-friendly and long-lasting erosion control solution.

Meeting the Challenges of Erosion Control

Victoria suffers from both coastal erosion and inland erosion. Among other factors, human activities trigger an increase in the risk factors for both events to occur. Urbanisation and industrialisation efforts, without effective soil rehabilitation, leaves more barren and disturbed lands at high erosion risk.

Erosion has also become worse because of extreme weather brought about by climate change. The weak soils in coastal areas and steep inland hillsides could not resist erosive forces.

Wind erosion poses additional challenges to Victoria. It usually occurs when hot, dry wind flies across from the north-west, lifting topsoil particles to the atmosphere.

Extreme winds may blow during a scorching dry season, triggering dust storms. This phenomenon spreads massive amounts of dust and threatens the community’s respiratory health.

On the other hand, water erosion is caused by rains and water that flows on the land and the watercourses. Due to unsustainable land use and the removal of vegetation, rushing water washes the soil easily.

Again, our warming planet now experiences more frequent and ferocious storms, bringing with them torrential rains. They fall on barren lands and trigger fatal landslides.

In response, the government of Victoria provides its constituents with guidelines for mitigating and managing erosion. Authorities recommend soil rehabilitation and revegetation, among other solutions.

However, the implementation may require special equipment, especially on vast lands or steep regions. Landowners may also need professional assistance in identifying the most appropriate plant species to use as soil cover.

Here is where Erizon comes to help. Our carefully formulated, eco-friendly, and fast-acting solution works in all kinds of terrain and protects the area from erosion.


The Best Solution for Erosion Control in Victoria

At Erizon, we provide a comprehensive solution for long-term erosion control. Our team of soil engineers and scientists create procedures and products that help address any kind of erosion issue.

We follow a scientific protocol when handling a project. We begin our process with a thorough investigation and end with a post-application monitoring phase.

During the investigation, we consult with clients concerning the peculiar characteristics of the land. We gather information about the site’s usage history, weather conditions, terrain, and intended future use.

We also take soil samples and analyse their composition. Soil characteristics say a lot about the appropriate type of erosion control solution for it.

To get a bird’s eye view of the entire site, we fly advanced drones equipped with the latest scanning and imaging technology. These drones take images and map out the area in detail.

With all the above data, the team convenes to analyse and determine what specific procedures to take and what solution to use. 

Once we have finalised our tailored procedures for the site, we then proceed with their implementation.

Our technicians may first have to prepare the site and do earthworks for it to be fully ready for the solution.

Then, we apply the most appropriate erosion control product for the site.

Among our best products is the EcoArmour, a synthetic erosion control blanket that can be sprayed on the land, let dry, and then set in a matter of hours. With its interlocking fibres and binders, It provides extended shear-resistant erosion control.

We may spray the EcoArmour using any of our special equipment. We have LBC HydroTrailers, HydroTrucks, and HydroTruck tracks to operate according to the terrain. We sometimes use hoses for narrow areas.

EcoArmour is weather-proof and non-flammable. Its crust holds the substrate firmly underneath and protects the soil effectively from erosion.

Since it installs and sets rapidly, EcoArmour also provides immediate erosion control. It saves resources such as time and energy and is beneficial for clients on a budget.

This cost-effectivity couples with durability. The fast-acting EcoArmour lasts for more than 20 years. Its stability makes it versatile and applicable to all kinds of terrain, even for the steepest slopes.

We may use the EcoArmour or a more appropriate product, depending on the results of the investigation. Our application phase proceeds and our monitoring period follows.

During monitoring, we again fly drones over the entire location and monitor the site remotely. In case of any issues, we will address them quickly.

Fortunately, our scientific protocol already eliminates post-application issues. Still, the monitoring phase stands because Erizon commits to achieving 100% project success.


Why Choose Erizon?

Excellence, innovation, and utmost care for the environment — these three characterise Erizon’s mission for Victoria and all of Australia.

For over 25 years now, we have rehabilitated thousands of acres of land and prevented erosion events. Our team of scientists and engineers have served well-satisfied clients, thanks to our highly effective erosion control solution.

Our team prioritises research and incorporates advanced technologies to create fast-acting but also eco-friendly products. We genuinely care for environmental protection, which is why we only use toxin-free ingredients.

We have also been perfecting our synthetic erosion control blanket, the EcoArmour, along with other solutions. Thus far, it has become a top favourite because it installs rapidly, acts immediately, and stays durable for more than 20 years.

Erizon’s dedication to excellence compels us to follow only the scientific method when handling a project. Our protocol comes full circle as it begins with an initial investigation and ends with a monitoring period.

Our process stands out as it creates a unique set of procedures and solutions for a particular site. Every site is peculiar; that’s why we address each area with its characteristics, issues, and peculiarities. What results is a thoroughness that satisfies clients 100%

Overall, our goal is to help make Victoria and the whole country erosion-free. Partner with us today.

Erizon: The Best Choice For Erosion Control
  • Non-flammable erosion control that provides exceptional resistance to weather conditions
  • Interlocking fibres, minerals, and binders protect erodible soils
  • Fast and efficient installation that saves time, money, and resources for clients

Get in touch

For further information on how Erizon can assist you with your next Revegetation, Dust Suppression or Erosion Control project please call our team directly or complete the form below.


Please note we do not service Residential Projects.