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Hydroseeding has emerged as an effective method for revegetation of various landscapes, ranging from public parks to large-scale erosion control projects. A key to the success of hydroseeding is the choice of hydromulch, which plays a crucial role in providing erosion control, moisture retention, and seed protection. Among the different

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Hydromulching can be confusing at first glance with so much information available on both Hydroseeding and Hydromulching, some of which only applies to one or the other, or changes based on location and local environmental concerns. Here we break down what you need to know about hydromulch specifically when planning
Mulch has provided a means of mitigating the effects of erosion for decades, based on the benefits associated with hydromulching for revegetation. It is commonly applied using purpose-built HydroRigs™ to hydraulically disperse mulch with water, seed, and fertilisers, onto disturbed soil or steep slopes, to avoid excess loss of sediment.
Under Government legislation, mining, coal, and infrastructure companies are required to return their site to its original ecosystem, upon closure of operations. As a result of the soil disruption and change in landscape topography, revegetation is a vital approach in re-formatting the soil profile by creating an optimal platform for
Hydromulching is a vegetation process that involves spraying a slurry of water, seed, fertiliser, cellulosic mulch, tracking dye, and a binder/tackifier on damaged and depleted soils to provide fast, economical and efficient revegetation. The mixture sprayed from a specially designed hydroseeding truck is kept agitated during the application, ensuring even coverage. The

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